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Grant Programs

[Notice] 2023 Grant Program

관리자 2023-09-27 Number of views 879

2023 KoRICA Grant Program



1. Purpose

The Korean Research Institute of Contemporary Art (KoRICA) provides research support to place Korean modern and contemporary art within the context of global art history. Researchers selected through the KoRICA Grant Program will receive research grants and the partial subsidization of expenses incurred in publishing and presenting their work in an international academic journal or at a conference. KoRICA looks forward to receiving applications from prominent researchers.



2. Outline

Research Topic

A Study of Korean Women Artists in the 1940s-90s (open topic)

(The attached ‘KoRICA Selected Korean Women Artists List’ is for reference only)


Example :

A study of Korean women artists who were active in the 1940s-1990s

A study of the work of Korean women artists who exhibited between the 1940s and 1990s.

※ Topics must be original and dissimilar to the themes of previously published research.

Research Grant

Funding for academic essay


Holders of a doctorate degree from a Korean or overseas university. Eligible researchers must have published three or more theses as a lead author in KCI-registered journals or SCI-, SSCI-, A&HCI-, or SCOPUS-registered international academic journals in the past five years.


In addition to the above qualifications, eligible researchers may not be currently receiving support for the same work from another institution.


Applications may be submitted to KoRICA via email (

Required documents: Application Form and Research Plan (attached forms)

No. of Works to be Selected

00 works

Final Paper

The final paper must be published in a Korean and/or overseas art-related journal (KCI-, SCI-, SSCI-, A&HCI-, or SCOPUS-registered academic journals are eligible) and submitted to KoRICA within a year after the end of the contest.

Grant Amount

KRW 10,000,000



3. Selection Process

Application and Registration - Eligibility Review - Review-Recipient Selection and Announcement - Signing of Research Grant Agreement - Submission of Final Paper (must be published in Korean and/or overseas art-related journals and submitted to KoRICA within a year after signing on agreement.


1. Application Period: June 27, 2023 – 10 November 2023

2. Application Method : Applications may be sent to the KoRICA email (

3. Required Documents : Application Form and Research Plan (attached forms)

4. Restrictions : Researchers receiving the grant for the same work from another institution are restricted from applying.

5. Recipient Announcement: Recipients will be contacted individually and announced on the KoRICA website in October 2023.



4. Selection Process

A panel of experts selected by the KoRICA board of directors will review the applications.



5. Grant Amount and Agreement

A grant amount of KRW 10,000,000 shall be paid to the recipient upon the signing of the research grant agreement.

※ The research grant should cover all research expenses and overhead costs, and will be paid to the researcher directly by KoRICA.



6. Recipient Obligations

Final Paper

Recipients must fulfill the following obligations:

The final paper, or similar themes or similar content, may not have been previously published in academic journals and other publications. The final published paper must clearly state that the research was conducted with support from KoRICA.

The final paper must be published in a registered Korean or overseas art-related journal within one year after the end of the contest.

※ Journal criteria: KCI-, SCI-, SSCI-, A&HCI-, or SCOPUS-registered journals

※ Examples of KCI-registered art-related journals: The Journal of Art and Culture Studies by the East-West Art and Culture Studies Association, Journal of History of Modern Art, The Journal of Korean Modern and Contemporary Art History, Journal of Art History, Journal of Korean Association of Art History Education, Art History and Visual Culture, Korean Bulletin of Art History, The Journal of Art Theory & Practice, Korean Journal of Art History, Art History Forum, The Historical Science of Oriental Art, and the Journal of the Association of Western Art History.


The grant recipient agrees to allow the final paper to be used in academic programs aimed at the promotion of Korean art. The terms of use are as follows:

The paper may be made accessible to Korean and overseas researchers on the KoRICA website and other portals.



7. Advisement

Withdrawing a


Please be aware that the research grant may be revoked in full in the following cases:

Failure to submit the final paper by the due date

Provision of grounds for disqualification due to serious violation of research ethics (plagiarism, duplicate publication, etc.)

Expansion of



The research period cannot be extended. Please note that failure to submit the final paper by the due date will result in the revocation of the research grant.



8. Inquires

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