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KoRICA aims to illuminate the art historical value of Korean contemporary art
and connect it to the global art context

The rich history of Korean art is woven with narratives that captured the zeitgeist throughout the 20th century.
Korean modern and contemporary artists share universal values that resonate with people worldwide.
They have created works from an aesthetic perspective that recognizes the unique traditions passed down through Korean history.
It’s time to promote the excellence of Korean modern and contemporary art beyond Korea to the rest of the world.

KoRICA conducts research on the art historical value of Korean contemporary art and implements various projects to
connect the context of Korean contemporary art with global art.
In addition, KoRICA aim to establish specialized art museums with unique identities through the entrusted operation
of art museums and exhibition spaces.
We curate exhibitions based on scholarly research and engage in communication with the global art community.

From now on, KoRICA will be dedicated to fostering the internationalization of Korean art through various projects.

Thank you.

Korean Research Institute of Contemporary Art Board Chairman
Myungja Park